
Our Mission

The Mindful Finance Institute promotes mindset change and cultural transformation in finance based on neuroscientific findings and using established mindfulness practices for behavioral change.

We support banks and financial companies in their transformation to a sustainable corporate culture. With our learning spaces we facilitate personal development of leaders and employees of financial service providers and the development of new competencies. Our think tank fouses on individual and organizational transformation processes and the future of the monetary and financial system.

Culture Transformation

Cultural change cannot be prescribed. However, corporate culture can be shaped. Our approach is based on the integration of insights from modern neuroscience, behavioral finance and established mindfulness concepts and practices for mindset and behavior change. With our network partners we are able to competently accompany culture change processes in your company – from analysis to the development of basic competencies.

Mindful Finance brings inner knowledge into the relationships with and handling of money and finance. Through mindfulness money and finance can become a source of self-discovery, wellbeing and sustainability.

Mindful Finance Institute

Learning Space & Think Tank

We want our work and contributions to have a lasting social impact – and have created the Mindful Finance learning space and think tank to do so.

The changes in the real and financial economy are placing new demands on managers and employees. Sustainability, agility, innovation and resilience require new basic competencies and better mental models. To this end, we open up learning spaces for your executives and employees.

We take on and create thought leadership for mindset and culture change in finance through research and in dialogue with academia. To this end, we have created the Think Tank and publish through “MIFI White Paper”, our “Mindful Finance Blog”, our “Finance for Future” podcast and through articles and talks.


Interested in our ideas and thoughts?

Please click here for our publications, white paper and videos.